Sunday, November 17, 2013

More random pics...

It has been awhile! So I will just put some random things on here...

My friend Cheza...also the ELL Coordinator at school. This is our picture that we submitted to go present at a conference in Athens, Greece. We have yet to hear anything, so maybe that won't happen! 

Only in Saudi do they block out a woman's crazy! 

When we go to the huge malls here we usually search for a cart so they can get a ride. Next time we will bring their scooters. Kids are aloud to scooter there...would be pretty fun really! Maybe Ackerman will take his skateboard and show off his skills too!

Miles pretty pumped about the package we got from Grandma and Grandpa! It was like Christmas!

Ayla was pumped as well!

Here are the kids practicing their snorkeling skills! They should be ready to go for our big trip! It isn't too far off now!!

The pool at night! 

Little buddy we found one morning! Just hope he doesn't get in the house...if he does, we will send Doots after him! Ha!


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