Thursday, November 28, 2013

Random shots

Miles at Day Care

Sorry it is sideways. Miles drew this for cute! If you lift the heart our names are underneath...very sweet!

Me...driving in Saudi! Ok...fine, in the Aramco Compound women can drive! Thanks Kristy...super fun! 

Some sweet treats from the Cassidy family! Thanks so much! That was awesome! 

IPS Art Show...Ayla standing by her artwork! She loves art and is very good at it too! If you take notice of the boots too...she bought these at Justice. She watched our neighbors cat and made some money. What does she do...buys boots! That's my girl!

Besides the Art Show, we also had an Arabic celebration. Here is Miles with his friend Jaida and I can't remember the other girls name. Cute...non the less!

Love this!

Fishing for Arabic words

Terry rolled his ankle while playing basketball with the high school boys. He couldn't walk home. We tried and it just wasn't pretty. A nice guy picked him up and then helped walk him home! So nice of them!

It's the weekend, so he will just rest it! Poor guy! 

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