Friday, January 17, 2014

Amazing Sri Lanka….

We left late for Sri Lanka from Dubai. It was about a 5 hour plane ride there and got to Sri Lanka at 5 am. We had our driver waiting there…thank goodness. It was quite the culture shock with all the crazy driving and a new country aspect. So glad we had a driver because they drive like the british…opposite side of the road and car for that matter. The van was pretty classic…you will see pictures at some point.

 Poor Sue and Vern were still trying to adjust to the time change as well. Sri Lanka is 2 1/2 hours different than Dubai…30 minutes…who knew! It was pretty warm and humid…felt nice! Beach time here we come!

We had to drive 3 1/2 hours to our villa…city driving is crazy. They just got a highway, which was really nice. It was beautiful countryside…when we were awake.

Our first stop was a hotel for some breakfast. We had to stroll down to the water…YES!

Indian Ocean

The guy

We stopped at 2 Buddhist Temples…so amazing! 

The detail is incredible.

Tuk Tuk

Didn't go in this one…just admired it!

We went in this one…

Lotus flowers…:)

It's not real folks!


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