Saturday, January 18, 2014

Muscat, Oman

Just our family traveled to Muscat as their was a family emergency that Sue and Vern needed to go back for. We were sad to say good-bye, but it was the right thing for them to go back.

First stop…Wahiba Sands Excursion! We went 4-wheel driving through the Wahiba Desert…that was quite the ride. The kids thought it was cool…there were moments when I thought we were going to fall sideways. WOW!!

Before we went 4 wheeling he had to let air out of the tires, so we wouldn't get stuck. I thought we were stuck once, but he got us out!

The sand felt so good on the toes…so fine!

the boys

the view

sand, sky and love

two camels just chillin

Bedoiun House-desert dwelling people

inside of the house…it was much cooler in here

Our 4-wheel driver on the right side…very nice guy! Love the Oman thobe…almost better than the Saudi one. 

Why not do a camel ride? 

Let's do the whole family! What a cool picture…another picture I never thought I would have! It was a little scary when the camel got up and down…we survived!

We were on top of this hill…then we slid down! Doesn't look that high, but when you are up there…it is high!

We visited an oasis…can't remember the name right now…

Yes…we went over this ghetto bridge. Looks like the good one went down some how? Not sure, but everyone was doing it! I think we have a video of this too!

There were people swimming…little cold for us. Apparently 70 is too cold for us now!

Miles following our driver back to the car.

Next up…Dolphin Excursion!

Muscat is a beautiful place!

You can't see them, but they were swimming around in there. So cool!

It was pretty rough out there…poor Rosie got a little sick! She was such a trooper! She said she still enjoyed herself.

Last stop…Oman Souk

So many shops. Terry is buying some awesome incense here.

Little drink out in the sun!

souk entrance and a mosque

Ayla showing off her camel souvenier.

Miles and Terry got a little something too!

This was the end of our amazing holiday trip! We hit 3 countries and did a ton of stuff. Back to Saudi we go! Our next destination is Istanbul, Turkey for spring break. Can't wait to travel again!

last couple of days in Sri Lanka

Another stop at Marissa Bay Beach…this time with some boogie boards! The kids LOVED it! Well…Terry and I loved it too!

The wonderful staff at Kumara…they did an amazing job! I would highly recommend this place to anyone going to Sri Lanka! They took such good care of us all week!

One random shot…we saw this a few times but not with 4 people on it. It was normal to see 3 people, including children on a scooter.  No such thing as car seats here either.

If you ever get a chance to go to Sri Lanka…highly recommend it! Such a unique and amazing place!

Galle Fort fun

We went to Galle Fort which is just like it sounds. A town inside some rampart walls…they have shops, restaurants and other things going on here. We had another exciting day! Check it out…of you I never thought I would see! Ha!

Tuk Tuk ride…pretty fun! I want one in our compound!

Our Tuk Tuk driver took us to look at the view…something else caught our eyes! WOW! Sue could not even look…she hates snakes. 

wonder what he has in his bags...

Oh…he had no worries putting that thing around his neck either.

Why not throw a monkey into the mix?

I LOVE this picture…never thought I would see it! Classic!

Miles being very brave! 

Simon the monkey…so cute and very friendly!

Vern even went in for the fun!

Simon too!

Just two cobras...

Bye for now…
I will have to add the video we took here sometime…it is so ridiculous!

Miles got a mini tuk tuk!

Ayla got a painted elephant.

It was a fun day! We had some tired kids on the way back home to our villa!