Thursday, September 5, 2013

Quatar Airlines

So we took Quatar (pronounced "cutter") airlines to Doha. 13 hour flight but it really wasn't that bad. It is little confusing loading that airlines, but they get the job done. So on your seat they have a blanket, pillow and this little bag of goodies. The goodies consisted of earplugs, socks, eye mask, toothbrush and some wipes! Didn't understand the wipes until we took our flight from Doha to Bahrain. I'll tell you more about that on the next entry! Also on this long flight they had your own tv and you a could watch movies, tv shows, play games with and actually hand held device. We all really enjoyed that...helped pass the time! We all slept but I think Miles slept the most with about 6 hours! 

The many wipes we were offered! 

This was one of the first things I saw in I see everything like this! 

So we find out that all people get on a bus after the flight. So this huge flight gets off and we all get on several buses. Bizarre...beside that...really hot and sweaty! Let me remind you that the sun was down! ;) so once we get off the bus we enter a building and have to walk through this maze to get our luggage checked again. We then get to our connecting flight...take a bus to our next plane! Here is where things get real sweaty!!! 

Here we are waiting for our next bus! Doesn't this look fun?!?! Ha! Really it wasn't bad! Hot!

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