Thursday, September 5, 2013

IPS...International Program School

The next morning Jim had us meet him at 7 am for breakfast. He said the best way to beat jet leg is to start your schedule right away. So we did it! We got a tour of the school, met our kids and our kids saw there classrooms. Jim took us to the grocery store called Timimi's, which is just like a Safeway really. Minus all the Arabic! You can get a ton of American things there. 
Some other highlights...
Went to one of the big malls...really nice! Went to a Chili's a juicy burger wi fries! Women have privacy folder things up, so men can't see them while they are eating because they are covered up normally! Also prayer time came and servers and all leave for about 15-20 minutes. So you have to plan things around prayer time. Also, prayer time happens 5 times a day here. You can hear it all matter where you are. We can hear it in our house...sort of getting use to it now!

Here are some picture of the kids in their uniforms!

Here is me in my abaya! Hot huh?

1 comment:

  1. Love it... Glad to see all of your smiling faces. Good luck on your first days of school.
