Sunday, June 1, 2014

March pics…I know, little late!

 Jaida and Miles looking forward to Billy Bees!
 Najla, Sultan and Ayla playing at Billy Bees. These are the kids of the owner of our school. One of Ayla's closest friends. 

 Crazy kids at Chili's Restaurant!

 Ms. Ann (Miles' teacher) came over to babysit our kids because we had a dinner party for Sue's birthday. Kids were so excited to have Ms. Ann over. They made cookies!
 Ameerah and I ready to go to Sue's!
 Fancy Dinner! Love the wine holder…shhh...
 Alison and Derek…our Scottish friends. Love their words and accent!
 Hard core Chelsea fans. Logo is even in the bathroom!
 Ameerah, Sue and her daughter, Ami

 Rosie and her nacho plate
 So this is a field trip for our Grade One students. This is at one of the student's Aunt's house…this is one of the richest families in Saudi. Obviously…they paid for the whole thing! They even had servers and brought us teachers coffee and donuts. They had lunch, blow up slides, photographer for the horse ride for each student and goody bags for each kid. WOW!!! We aren't on an American field trip anymore.

 Their own beach...

 Ayla and I for our Week Without Walls Week. The theme was Olypmics. The goal is to teach the kids outside the classroom walls and not stick to curriculum for the week. The kids loved it…the teachers on the other hand were sooo tired after this week. 

Our crazy kids…Miles, Jaida and Gaith!

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