Friday, March 14, 2014

Brian's Birthday fun in Bahrain

Brian needed some help celebrating his birthday. So we said sure…we will go to a buffet in Bahrain with all you can drink and eat. Our kids were troopers and did a great job hanging out with everyone. There was a live band even…yes, we got on the dance floor. Here are some pictures from that day!

Miles and I on the drive over the bridge.

What a fun group! See that rocking' band back there!

The birthday boy…Brian. Double fisting even!

Katie and Brian…couple from Canada that lives right next to us. 

Happy couple enjoying some long awaited drinks!

Rosie have a double chocolate chip muffin at Coffee Bean! She designed the picture as well!

Rosie and I going back over the bridge…back to Saudi we go. It took us 4 hours…it was really bad!!

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