Friday, March 14, 2014


Here is Terry eating meats!

Ladies Weekend

Thanks to my wonderful husband I was able to do a ladies Weekend in Bahrain. My friend Kristy invited me. Then her friend invited a friend who teaches in Kuwait. So 4 teachers out ready to have a good time. That we did! Pretty sure we drank anything we could get our hands on. We did a "club" deal where they have 2 happy hours. So obviously we did was great!

A cool feature on the samsung! Funny!

My was tough! Plus a guy bring drinks...hard day! :)
Audrey and Kristy at Senior Pacos! 
The dance party that busted glad it did! Super fun!

Taking a little break and people watching!
stephanie and i enjoying our margs!!!

100th school day for Miles

Miles' class was celebrating the 100th day of school by dressing up as old timers. He looked like the traveling old guy...gotta love him! His classmates looked great too! He had a fun day!

Love the socks!!
Ms. Anne's crew

Random Pictures...

Miles Aune with her cute new hat! What a charmer huh?

Been in Saudi too long…I was excited about my first abaya purchase. School pays for it, but now it is mine. It is a nice one!

Getting ready for Shaun T!!! Whew! So glad I have him to keep me in shape while here!

Skateboarding rides in the house…cuz why not? They love each other here!

Ayla with Hannah and Najla. The two girls are sisters and the daughters of the owner of our school. Very nice Saudi family. Feeling very lucky we are getting to know them. Great friends for Ayla!

How cute is this little girl? Lots of missing teeth!

This is what she chose for having good grades…what the? She LOVES stuffed animals!


Playing out in the sunshine!

Little swinging action from the boys! This is a park in our compound!

Brian's Birthday fun in Bahrain

Brian needed some help celebrating his birthday. So we said sure…we will go to a buffet in Bahrain with all you can drink and eat. Our kids were troopers and did a great job hanging out with everyone. There was a live band even…yes, we got on the dance floor. Here are some pictures from that day!

Miles and I on the drive over the bridge.

What a fun group! See that rocking' band back there!

The birthday boy…Brian. Double fisting even!

Katie and Brian…couple from Canada that lives right next to us. 

Happy couple enjoying some long awaited drinks!

Rosie have a double chocolate chip muffin at Coffee Bean! She designed the picture as well!

Rosie and I going back over the bridge…back to Saudi we go. It took us 4 hours…it was really bad!!

Ameerah's Baby Shower

Sue, Cheza, Rana and I threw a baby shower for our wonderful friend Ameerah. She has become a very close friend and I am so thankful to have her in my life. Along with the other ladies as well. They have made made living here so much better! We all had a great time and it was also fun planning!

Rescue Doots Mission

Here is Terry trying to rescue "Doots" from a super high tree limb. I mean why would this cat climb up that high…no idea. Terry thinks he was up about 40 feet. Not the brightest bulb in the bunch…but we still love him! :)

He was missing for a couple of days. So I was calling for him and I hear a cry…sure enough after following the noise I see him super high up. Terry tried that night, but there was no way he would be able to climb up that high without getting seriously hurt. The next day he got a ghetto ladder from one of the workers in the compound. Communication is always a barrier, but they figured it out because he got him down. Thank goodness! Good job Terry!

Here he is resting after that tough adventure!!