Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Traditional Indian Food

So our awesome taxi driver Aziz recommended this place. It is a little hole in the wall, but the food was super good! It was my first experience eating traditional Indian Food! Ayla liked it too! Miles not so much!
Abut our taxi driver, Aziz...he is such a funny guy! He is A super energetic Indian dude that brings us everywhere! We can only understand about 40% of what he says...his laugh is so funny! He has a ton of stories too! What would we do with out him...he knows Al Khobar soooo well! 
We went with 2 gals that teach at IPS with us. Samantha, we met at the Iowa job fair. She is from Indiana/Colorado and teaches 3rd grade boys. Margaret is from Canada and teaches grade 4 girls. Both really nice. It is fun getting to know all these new faces and hearing their stories! 

Sam, Terry and Ayla

Miles, me and Margaret...doesn't Miles look happy? His big first week of school is making him very tired!

If we look super sweaty, it is because we are! Very hot and humid day today! 

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