Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun in WI!

We went to Wisconsin to see Terry's side of the family. We stayed at Ruth and Kerry's house for 2 days and saw lots of family! We hung out with Shawn and Holly when we or into town. On Saturday, we went to the Silver Dollar Parade and picnic. Kids loved watching and picking up a ton of candy. Kids had a great time playing all sorts of games and going down the big blow up slide. After the picnic we went to Grandma Jeanette. Then we all went to the park for a little BBQ. It was great hanging out with everyone. I am sure  Jeanette really enjoyed seeing everyone together! 
That night we went to the band who rocked out some cover tunes...things got a little wild and we were out until 3:30! Thankful for Ruth hanging with the kids while we tried to recover from the evening! Lots of good laughs!
It was great seeing everyone! Until next summer... 

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