Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun in WI!

We went to Wisconsin to see Terry's side of the family. We stayed at Ruth and Kerry's house for 2 days and saw lots of family! We hung out with Shawn and Holly when we or into town. On Saturday, we went to the Silver Dollar Parade and picnic. Kids loved watching and picking up a ton of candy. Kids had a great time playing all sorts of games and going down the big blow up slide. After the picnic we went to Grandma Jeanette. Then we all went to the park for a little BBQ. It was great hanging out with everyone. I am sure  Jeanette really enjoyed seeing everyone together! 
That night we went to the band who rocked out some cover tunes...things got a little wild and we were out until 3:30! Thankful for Ruth hanging with the kids while we tried to recover from the evening! Lots of good laughs!
It was great seeing everyone! Until next summer... 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Toronto trip

Terry and I went to Toronto for the TRIBES training for our new school IPS! We flew into Buffalo, NY because our passports are away trying to get our visa to Saudi. So we had to drive over the border, so we were able to seeNaigra     Falls. That was really neat to walk below the falls. Lots of water is rushing down! 
Then we drove to Toronto and stayed in the Park Hyatt! Very nice hotel. One day we saw a lotus drive out of there...really?
Training was great and lead by Moses! Great guy! We were able to see the Distillery District,Kinsington Market, China Town and Yorkville. All great with some amazing food! Yum! Met some great people at our training as well! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Glasgow MT

Our last stop of our road trip we stopped in Glasgow, MT. It was great seeing my grandparents! Also saw my cousin Jake and his family. My uncle Dan and his family was there as well. We got to see some great 4th of July fireworks in Glasgow! Great last stop! 
Now we have a 12 hour to a trip back to the cities! We bought 4 new movies so hopefully the kids will be entertained! 

Flathead lake area

We had a great time here as well. We rented a cute little cabin in Somers, MT. Which was about 10 minutes outside of Kalispel, MT. The first day we rented a boat for half the day! It was so awesome to cruise around flathead! It is a huge lake! We spent $100 just in was worth it! We did end up getting in the wter because it was 96 degrees out that day! The water was pretty cold...almost 60 degrees they said!
The next day we went to Big Mountain for some Alpine sledding again. Then took the ski lift up to get an amazing view of Glacier National Park. Just beautiful! Then we walked around Whitefish. Cute little town. We also got some fun outdoor toys for the kids. That night we went out to eat at Tamarack Brewery. Super yummy and ended up sitting next to John Lithgow! How crazy is that? I did slip a picture...;)! 
Kids have done a fantastic job traveling! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Lambert stop in Missoula!

We stopped at the Lambert's house and just had a blast! We went to the farmers market and saw some people kayaking and surfing on the the river wave. Later that day we went rafting down the Clark Fork River, which was just awesome! Anthony did a great job piloting us down.
We had many Moscow Mules in the evenings! Yum!
The day we left they took us in a killer bike ride. 4,000 elevation climb...needless to say we had to walk a lot! There were some funny moments...Anthony walking out with his and Terry's bike! Classic! We walked around the Made Market before we left! Great time! Kids all got along great! So great to hang with an old friend!