Friday, January 17, 2014

The start of our amazing Christmas Vacation was in Dubai

We have been planning this trip for a long time. It is hard to believe it is over and done with already. It was an amazing trip that will be remembered forever.

Here is there start…

the line to get out of Saudi…yup!!

Miles and Ayla staying busy while we wait! They really have become great travelers…thank goodness!

Our family selfie before we fly to Dubai to meet Grandma Sue and Grandpa Vern!


Night view from our hotel window! Picture doesn't do it justice…

Day time view…Good Morning Dubai! 

Dubai Mall…

The Dubai Mall is amazing…so much to do!

Kidzania in the Dubai Mall…

It is all about the kids in this place. They get money from a bank and then can do various jobs to earn more money. Then they can pay for activities by doing their jobs. It was pretty cool. It was busy that day and the kids were a bit tired from travel, so they didn't do as much as we had hoped. It was still very cool to see though. 

At the bank


Ayla getting her drivers license.

Miles getting his drivers license.

Watch out…Miles has taken the road!

Our firefighters!!

Town Center

Off to get a fire!

Aquarium in the Dubai Mall

It has the largest single sheet of glass on an aquarium in the world. It is enormous! The fish were so beautiful…kids loved watching all the sea life! Lots of people were there checking it out.

Miles loves his photo being taken! 

Burj Khalifa is right outside the Dubai Mall. We had plans to go all the way up…only to find out it was sold out. So next time we will make reservations. It was a bummer because Sue and Vern were looking forward to that and I am not sure they will be back. I guess we will have to video tape it.

Waiting for the water and light show!

Cute picture…again Miles is loving the pictures!

My hubby and I

Evening picture…beautiful!

Water, light and music show. It is so beautiful! It goes on every 30 minutes and the music is different every time. There were lots of people out…it was a beautiful night!

One more…

Christmas tree in our hotel…I mean we had to have a picture!

Took a day trip out to Atlantis…ridiculous!!

The view coming in on the train.

The beach and water park area.

Water front with Grandma

Water front with Grandpa

Another view of Atlantis

Two monkeys!

Drinks at the Address Hotel and an amazing view of the Burj Khalifa

Next stop Sri Lanka...

1 comment:

  1. Dubai is one of the most visited tourist spots in the world. Thanks for sharing you story. Hope you have enjoyed your Dubai Holidays very well.
