Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rain Days

We have not had school for the last 3 days due to rain. The first 2 days we could have easily had school but yesterday it rained a crazy amount. Streets got flooded and men here don't know how to drive in this weather. So they close schools. We are thinking they may be closed tomorrow as well. Another storm is suppose to hit...we shall see! We do virtual school...this basically means we have to set up homework for students to do when they are not at school. This helps so we don't have to make up days if they pile up. I really don't want to make up days because it is gonna be mighty hot when we leave here in June, plus we will be ready to go see everyone!

Went to Dhahran mall and ate at Chili's! We pigged out and our stomachs hurt! Needless to say it was pretty good! Chips and salsa were really good...hard to find tortilla chips here!

This is the security at the toy store...scary! Looks like he has a pretty tough job! Ha! They are always on their phones...wonder what they get paid?

Miles and Ayla doing some homework on their rain day. We have to assign homework on these days....also a good way to keep them busy!

Saw this on Pinterest...hammocks! We used a king size sheet and tied it around the table...entertained them for most of the afternoon! Thanks Pinterest!

This weekend we finally get out of the country! Bahrain here we come! YES!!!!

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