Thursday, November 28, 2013

Random shots

Miles at Day Care

Sorry it is sideways. Miles drew this for cute! If you lift the heart our names are underneath...very sweet!

Me...driving in Saudi! Ok...fine, in the Aramco Compound women can drive! Thanks Kristy...super fun! 

Some sweet treats from the Cassidy family! Thanks so much! That was awesome! 

IPS Art Show...Ayla standing by her artwork! She loves art and is very good at it too! If you take notice of the boots too...she bought these at Justice. She watched our neighbors cat and made some money. What does she do...buys boots! That's my girl!

Besides the Art Show, we also had an Arabic celebration. Here is Miles with his friend Jaida and I can't remember the other girls name. Cute...non the less!

Love this!

Fishing for Arabic words

Terry rolled his ankle while playing basketball with the high school boys. He couldn't walk home. We tried and it just wasn't pretty. A nice guy picked him up and then helped walk him home! So nice of them!

It's the weekend, so he will just rest it! Poor guy! 

Bahrain Day 3...time to go back

This is somewhat like Cherry Berry. Really good!

Then we had to go back to Build-A-Bear to get passports for their bears! They too must have passports! They have thought of everything there. Ayla's bear's clothes were from Justice. She HAD to have it! Too funny!

Also had to get a few more rides in...

Bahrain Day 2 continued

Little bowling action from the dude!

Crazy Americans...

Mall pic

They have some crazy expensive shops is the Armani shop. We only got a few things! Ha!

Bahrain Dinar..aka their money. They actually have a 1/2 dinar...

Yum! Coffee Bean! Reminds me of AZ because we had this coffee all the time there! 

After a long and fun day at the mall we ordered room service and some wine! YES! It was so good! We also went to Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 today as well! We all had such a great day. Thought we should top it off with a rooftop Mojito and shesha...yes!!! 

Bahrain Day 2

After a good night sleep we had a busy day ahead of us! The Bahrain City Center Mall. It has everything...literally! 

First stop Caribou! Yum!!!! Just like at home too!


Bumper car action

New Age Merry-go-round

Kids saw TIGFridays so we had to eat there. There was so many other great restaurants and we go to Fridays...oh well! 

Ayla's Bahrain Build-A-Bear...Sparkles

Miles rainbow bear named Buttercup...we later find out that his good friend Jaida has a bear named Buttercup! Ha! Too cute!

Love this picture of Miles kissing the bears heart before she put it in...he also made a secret want to know what that is!

Bahrain Build-A-Bear

Bahrain Day 1 continued...

Our hotel...

Totally Middle East right?

Kids room 

Hang out area

Rooftop Restaurant and Bar

Nice skyline shot. Look at crazy Miles! They were so excited about it all!

Yes!!! Mojitos!!!! We had lots! Yum!

Shesha for Terry

Shesha for Holly

Bahrain Day 1

Finally we are getting out of the country...Bahrain here we come!

Driving over the Arabian Sea

Customs...with a Bentley in front of us! 


Met the Barnett (friends from MN) Family at the Dilman Club there! Because we are deprived of "real" drinks...we were drinking before 10 a.m. Yes...I know! This picture was actually at lunch time! Our kids play really well together so it is nice!

Terry found tequila and his buddy, Kristy to take it with him! 

The kids...some cuties from MN!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Rain Days

We have not had school for the last 3 days due to rain. The first 2 days we could have easily had school but yesterday it rained a crazy amount. Streets got flooded and men here don't know how to drive in this weather. So they close schools. We are thinking they may be closed tomorrow as well. Another storm is suppose to hit...we shall see! We do virtual school...this basically means we have to set up homework for students to do when they are not at school. This helps so we don't have to make up days if they pile up. I really don't want to make up days because it is gonna be mighty hot when we leave here in June, plus we will be ready to go see everyone!

Went to Dhahran mall and ate at Chili's! We pigged out and our stomachs hurt! Needless to say it was pretty good! Chips and salsa were really good...hard to find tortilla chips here!

This is the security at the toy store...scary! Looks like he has a pretty tough job! Ha! They are always on their phones...wonder what they get paid?

Miles and Ayla doing some homework on their rain day. We have to assign homework on these days....also a good way to keep them busy!

Saw this on Pinterest...hammocks! We used a king size sheet and tied it around the table...entertained them for most of the afternoon! Thanks Pinterest!

This weekend we finally get out of the country! Bahrain here we come! YES!!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

A few more...

Entry to Euro Village

The Gate

TRIBES All School Assembly they have their PhDs from Oxford and MIT! Very nice family!

Our little friend!