Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Fun!!

Cousins having fun at Apple Ridge! We picked a lot of apples and then made some delicious apple crisp. Yummmm

Me and "my guy"

Rosie rocking her shades at Apple Ridge!


  1. Hi Terry and Holly!
    Really enjoy those pictures. The kids are growing up too fast.

    How is the new school year going for EVERYONE?


  2. We are in survival mode STILL! Life is crazy busy for us, but we knew this year was going to be! We take things one day at a time here...glad you like the pics of the kids! I am trying to keep this updated cuz it is fun for others to see them. I also enjoy showing them off.
    So I hear there is a date set for the big wedding? When? How is life there? I hope you guys are well!

  3. Hi,
    Heard you had a busy weekend traveling to a wedding. Grandma J. keeps me posted on the family events!

    Wedding plans are in process here. Unless something changes,the date is 09-10-11.

    Life is good. Enjoying the fall weather!

