Sunday, November 9, 2014

Halloween Fun

We celebrated Halloween on November 1st with a birthday party and trick or treating at our friends compound. Kids had fun!!

Halloween night at our house we had our own fun! Megan made the kids was messy!!
Mummy hotdogs...thank you Pinterest!
Our neighbour made Ayla's Elsa dress. She was soooo excited about this! She looks beautiful and our ghost was super scary!!!
Natalie and Ayla
Zain...Ameerah's son!!
Cheza and Ameerah
Ameerah and Jaida...this is Miles best buddy!
Rana...teacher at IPS and her son is Miles buddy too!

The crew!
Chaos at its best! 

Life in Saudi

Our little song writer!
Some of my 1st grade girls!
Miles and his buddy Bassel!
Cone pizza...was pretty good!
Ameerah, me and Megan at Octoberfest!
Alex, Terry and Tim at Octoberfest.
Yes...its the real deal...;)

Bahrain Fun

We took the Coleman Crew and Alex to Bahrain for a little fun! There was a littlw sickness that went around but we all had a great time!

Our little swimmers at the Radisson Blu in Bahrain!
The ladies catching some rays!!
All the ladies after some dinner and shesha!!
Our good friends Yasmeen and Sara. Sara is also Ayla's teacher.
This was great...the guy was singing Bob Marley and this Saudi dude LOVED it. It kinda blew my mind!!
Megan and Alex
Ladies at the Friday Brunch! So fun!!
My main man!!

Saudi Life

Ayla and Najla being crazy!
My crazy little boy!!
Ayla getting her henna!
Miles getting his lizard henna.
Mandee and Megan deciding what kind of henna design they should get!
I moved...isn't it beautiful??? So bright!
Mother and daughter matching henna!
Rosie and I's henna!!