Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another one bites the dust...

Beautiful Mess

Since we are still waiting...we have some time to just mess around with the app called Beautiful Mess! Super fun!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Gonna miss them...

Grand Marais...amazing place!

We stayed two nights in Grand Marais and loved it! 

Our view...not bad!

Craft time! 

One of my little man!

Rosie and I

Boulder Park

What a great way to wake up...thank you!

Ayla, Miles and Moose going Alpine Sliding! This was one of the best we it this summer! 

Newest member...Moose!

North Shore trip

We had such a nice trip up the north shore. We stopped at Gooseberry Falls and the kids just loved it! It is such a beautiful place!

Here they are dry...

Here they are fun!

We love this place!

Hiked around the falls!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Burntside Lake

Well, we couldn't get to Paris so why not head to Burntside Lake near Ely, MN. Beautiful day and had fun exploring some islands. 
Then we went to eat at the Chocolate Moose for dinner. We ran into the family I use to nanny for in Duluth about 9 years ago. The girls were so big...great to see them all.

Love this one of Miles! Just chillin' eating his lunch! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Twins game!!

Perfect day for a Twins Game! It was partly cloudy and in the upper 70's! We needed to take our minds off of the fact we don't have our visas back, so we decided to cheer on the Twins! 

Girls Day

Rosie and I shopped til we dropped! We had so much fun...she is a pretty good shopper! 

We had a little food at the Rainforest Cafe. Even got a table right next to this awesome fish tank! We loved it!

Love this smile!

Aune family weekend

Ice Cream Truck treat!

Cute pics from photo machine! Love them!

Below are the kids helping out with Katie's float in the Kasson parade!