Saturday, December 14, 2013

Some more...

Ayla and her friend Layan

Miles and his teacher Ms. Ann

Ameerah...A.K.A Ms. Twinkle from Chrysanthemum

Cheza...A.K.A. Chrysanthemum 

Sue and her crew!!

Allison...not sure of her character but she rocked that dress! Ha!

I mean how cute is this kid?!?

My girls!

My crazy boys!

Picnic lunch and reading...although there are no books in this picture.

My awesome teammates! 

Our awesome educational assistants!

IPS Reads

Terry and I were on the IPS reading committee. So we got to help organize the 2 week celebration. I think it got the kids excited about reading and they had a lot fun with the variety of activities. 

Snuggle Up and Read Day! Kids got to wear pjs to school! K thru 2 read quietly in the gym for 30 minutes. Here is Miles with his class.

Ayla with her class!

Jaida, Miles and Gaith on our daily walk to Day Care at 1:00! 

 Character Parade Day! We have Fancy Nancy, Mr. Scary and The Lorax

Fancy Nancy, Ms. Viola Swamp and The Lorax

My class on Character Day...such funny personalities...

Family Reading Night! Ayla and Mia reading a Robert Munsch book. They did a fantastic job job reading in front of all those people! 

Hats Off to Reading Day in my classroom.

IPS Reads

Terry and I were on the IPS reading committee. So we got to help organize the 2 week celebration. I think it got the kids excited about reading and they had a lot fun with the variety of activities. 

Snuggle Up and Read Day! Kids got to wear pjs to school! K thru 2 read quietly in the gym for 30 minutes. Here is Miles with his class.

Ayla with her class!

Jaida, Miles and Gaith on our daily walk to Day Care at 1:00! 

 Character Parade Day! We have Fancy Nancy, Mr. Scary and The Lorax

Fancy Nancy, Ms. Viola Swamp and The Lorax

My class on Character Day...such funny personalities...

Family Reading Night! Ayla and Mia reading a Robert Munsch book. They did a fantastic job job reading in front of all those people! 

Hats Off to Reading Day in my classroom.

Christmas fun

We found a Chrsitmas tree! There is a pretty funny story to go with it. Now you would think you couldn't buy one here but if you ask the right people and are willing to knock on random shall find one! 

Kids were really excited about the glad we could help make it feel like Christmas here! A little help from Eddie is always good too! 

Who knew Santa visited Saudi?!? There was a Christmas bizarre at one of the compounds. It was nice and they had some cute things. Here is one of them...

I do I not purchase this at the Christmas Bizarre? Classic salt and pepper shakers!

Kids with Jaida and is bad so they all look a bit funny. Oops!

Sleigh ride! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Random shots

Miles at Day Care

Sorry it is sideways. Miles drew this for cute! If you lift the heart our names are underneath...very sweet!

Me...driving in Saudi! Ok...fine, in the Aramco Compound women can drive! Thanks Kristy...super fun! 

Some sweet treats from the Cassidy family! Thanks so much! That was awesome! 

IPS Art Show...Ayla standing by her artwork! She loves art and is very good at it too! If you take notice of the boots too...she bought these at Justice. She watched our neighbors cat and made some money. What does she do...buys boots! That's my girl!

Besides the Art Show, we also had an Arabic celebration. Here is Miles with his friend Jaida and I can't remember the other girls name. Cute...non the less!

Love this!

Fishing for Arabic words

Terry rolled his ankle while playing basketball with the high school boys. He couldn't walk home. We tried and it just wasn't pretty. A nice guy picked him up and then helped walk him home! So nice of them!

It's the weekend, so he will just rest it! Poor guy! 

Bahrain Day 3...time to go back

This is somewhat like Cherry Berry. Really good!

Then we had to go back to Build-A-Bear to get passports for their bears! They too must have passports! They have thought of everything there. Ayla's bear's clothes were from Justice. She HAD to have it! Too funny!

Also had to get a few more rides in...

Bahrain Day 2 continued

Little bowling action from the dude!

Crazy Americans...

Mall pic

They have some crazy expensive shops is the Armani shop. We only got a few things! Ha!

Bahrain Dinar..aka their money. They actually have a 1/2 dinar...

Yum! Coffee Bean! Reminds me of AZ because we had this coffee all the time there! 

After a long and fun day at the mall we ordered room service and some wine! YES! It was so good! We also went to Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 today as well! We all had such a great day. Thought we should top it off with a rooftop Mojito and shesha...yes!!!